Tag Archives: entrepreneur

Everyone has a Story, Sell it !

Being raised on the east coast was a blessing and I loved my childhood but to say i was an entrepreneur would be a far far stretch. Most of the people I have seen that owed businesses were all self employed and didn’t have the lifestyle I was interested in. Today if you are not learning how to sell and sell hard you will be squeezed out of business and eventually most jobs!

Selling is not hard its just a skill that has some crazy dumb negative stigma. The most important skill I can teach my son Beau is to sell!!  14 years ago I started in a network marketing company and fell in love with the leveraging aspect of mentoring, products, systems, marketing, time, money etc.

Today I have learned the 10 most important traits of successful networkers are;

1/ Self confidence

2/ They READ daily

3/ Jacked up!!   Excitement overload

4/ Activity-tiredless work ethic

5/ Teachable

6/ Honest

7/ Humble

8/ Positive Attitude

9/ Serve

10/ Story Tellers

I will over the next day or so go into each trait on a video and add to this blog.

looking forward to it.






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