Category Archives: selling

Everyone has a Story, Sell it !

Being raised on the east coast was a blessing and I loved my childhood but to say i was an entrepreneur would be a far far stretch. Most of the people I have seen that owed businesses were all self employed and didn’t have the lifestyle I was interested in. Today if you are not learning how to sell and sell hard you will be squeezed out of business and eventually most jobs!

Selling is not hard its just a skill that has some crazy dumb negative stigma. The most important skill I can teach my son Beau is to sell!!  14 years ago I started in a network marketing company and fell in love with the leveraging aspect of mentoring, products, systems, marketing, time, money etc.

Today I have learned the 10 most important traits of successful networkers are;

1/ Self confidence

2/ They READ daily

3/ Jacked up!!   Excitement overload

4/ Activity-tiredless work ethic

5/ Teachable

6/ Honest

7/ Humble

8/ Positive Attitude

9/ Serve

10/ Story Tellers

I will over the next day or so go into each trait on a video and add to this blog.

looking forward to it.






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Everything Within You Was Created To Win

Throughout my life I have learned that to achieve any goal you need to have belief that it can be done.  Whether it was motorcycle racing, body building, business, relationships, or even having my son, I had to believe that I could achieve what I wanted or it never would have happened.  Often, the best place to find belief is in the story of another individual who has struggled and came through victorious in what you are trying to achieve yourself.  My goal today is to tell you our story and hopefully give you some belief that you can do whatever it is that you are striving for.

My wife and I moved from Cape Breton, Nova Scotia to Kitchener, Ontario for security.  We both had money problems in our families growing up and we promised each other we wouldn’t live that way.  We didn’t want to have to go through the struggles we saw our families go through.  At that point in our lives, we thought money was the answer to security, and Ontario was the place to go if you wanted to get rich.  So we left.

Raylene and I were chasing security while we should have been chasing opportunity.  Claude Hamilton always says “if you chase security instead of opportunity, you’ll lose both”.  Raylene ended up being in an accident at work which dislocated her pelvis and pinched her SI joint leaving her unable to work.  While she was off work  we got a call from her sister about a business opportunity.  We decided that our jobs were not secure enough, so we might as well take control of our own business.

I overheard a CD Raylene was listening to and it peaked my interest so I called Raylene’s sister and asked more about it and ended up being put in contact with Claude Hamilton.  Claude called me and, before ever meeting me, asked me to buy a plane ticket and come out to New Brunswick for a Major Function. I was looking for something, I was fed up of losing in my job everyday, not getting ahead just getting more and more tired.  Every year I worked, I got farther in debt and I wanted something better for my family, so I bought tickets to the Major Function.  I knew that nothing in my life was going to change if I didn’t change something in my life.

At that Major Function we saw the big picture of what we were involved in and what was possible.  I heard a gentleman speak from stage about being able to raise his daughters after retiring from his job at the age of 32.  Something clicked and I realized that is something I wanted to do.  I didn’t have kids at the time, but I knew this was something I wanted to do and I was not going to give up until I had achieved it.

While building our business we went through lots of struggles.  From little things like broken pant zippers at meetings, our shoes being chewed by dogs at the door, and forgetting Claude’s name while introducing him at a meeting, to big things like our cars breaking down and costing thousands to fix.  Throughout all of it I have learned two things; expect these things to happen, and be prepared for them.  We did things that most people called us crazy for doing; gave up trips, sold motorcycles and sold skidoos.  Things that people think make you look successful.  We liked those things and wanted them but we knew that they would distract us from our ultimate goals of what we wanted our life to look like, real success.

I talked to people at work, telling them that I had found a way to get rich together and every single one of them said no.  They wouldn’t even agree to sit down with me.  But I had the naive belief that it would work, that I would make it work, and I wasn’t going to quit no matter what.  I remember showing the plan so many times that I couldn’t even remember how many I was at, and they still kept saying no.  I would go straight from work to show the plan 4 hours away from home, meet with some leaders after the meeting then drive 4 hours home to get 2 hours of sleep before work the next morning.  We were tested.  We questioned if this was the right thing to do.  We couldn’t figure out why we couldn’t get it to work, why we were struggling so much.  But looking back now, we know it was not only the right thing to do, but the only thing to do.  If you are struggling right now like we did, there’s a reason.  You are being tested because one day you are going to lead a big team, and that team is going to be blessed because you went through these struggles and you are going to be able to help them go through struggles that could stop them.

Hunger is the most important ingredient that you need to create success.  You don’t need new clothes, a new car, new shoes…you need hunger.  With hunger you will ask questions and seek knowledge, you will get more CD’s and books and put good information in your head.  You know that when you are learning, there is a sweet sound to truth and when you hear it you know its right and you start to apply it.  When you seek more knowledge you get a different way of thinking, and when you think differently you start to make different decisions.  Through hunger you will gain correct information which leads to correct thinking which leads to correct actions.  These correct actions will lead to long-term results in all areas of your life; finances, family, faith, anything you are hungry for.  Most people will overestimate what they can do in a very short period of time, but they will underestimate what they can do in the next five to ten years.  The only lid you have is the one you place on yourself.  If you put yourself in the arena to grow you can create massive success.

The memories you will make with your business support team are worth all you’ve got to go through to get them.  Going on trips, flying off seadoos in Mexico, watching our business partners, Claude and Lana Hamilton,  run after and capture their dreams, and having our son Beau are all memories that would not have been possible without this opportunity or the struggle.  When you are going through struggles, you will be frustrated but when success finally comes to you, you will be humbled and feel truly blessed.  When I left my job, because of the financial stability we had built in our business, I called my dad and we just sat on the phone crying because of what we had accomplished.  It’s moments like those that are worth fighting for, worth all the struggles, and worth never giving up.

God Bless,


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Posted by on December 6, 2013 in closing


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TOUGHEN UP: The Pointy Tip

The third and final section of Claude Hamilton‘s new book, TOUGHEN UP, covers passion and tenacity; the last two strengths considered in the book.  When I think of my good friend Claude, passion and tenacity are two of the first words that come to mind.  It takes a man of passion to decide to walk across Canada, and it takes a man with incredible tenacity to actually complete the journey while overcoming obstacle after obstacle.  In these last two chapters Claude really shows his readers his heart and his passion for what he did and is doing to build an amazing life for his family.  The reason why TOUGHEN UP is so engaging and effective is because Claude exemplifies what he writes.  He is a man of integrity and has not written anything in this book that he has not lived himself and has dedicated his life to improving.  He knows what he is talking about, and we can all learn something from him.

Part three of TOUGHEN UP outlines the last two strengths:

  1. Attitude
  2. Courage
  3. Character
  4. Duty
  5. Honour
  6. Relationships
  7. Passion
  8. Tenacity

Here are some of my favourite sections of Part Three: The Pointy Tip

  • Passion

“Passion amplifies effort.”

“But when you act and speak from passion, it is electrifying and contagious.  People will be drawn to you.  Sure, you’ll turn some people off too, but they’re the ones who probably would have been turned off no matter what you did.  And even the ones who are turned off will eventually come to respect your commitment if you stick with it”

“It’s the passionate ones, ruffians and rascals though we may be, who really make a difference.  As Jim Butcher wrote, ‘Passion has overthrown tyrants and freed prisoners and slaves.  Passion has brought justice where there was savagery.  Passion has created freedom where there was nothing but fear.  Passion has helped souls rise from the ashes of their horrible lives and build something better, stronger, more beautiful’.”

  • Tenacity

“Quitters quit everything”

“The closer you are to your goal, the less timid you can afford to be.  And since its often difficult to see how close we are to real achievement, we should just get in the habit of being more and more passionate as we go along.”

“Tenacity means you know that tough times are coming sooner or later, and instead of wondering about the ifs and whens, you get ready to face them by asking about the hows.  How will you preparer yourself to meet challenges, how will you react when they come, and how will you overcome them?”

“Success is more about tenacity than talent, more about perseverance than intelligence.  Those who stick with it until they succeed may appear smarter – but it’s because they’ve learned more than those who were unwilling to do the hard things.”

I hope you have all enjoyed reading TOUGHEN UP as much as I have.  There are so many little things in that book that could make such a big difference in so many lives.  If you haven’t already, take the time to flip over your TOUGHEN UP book and read the back cover.

About the Author

Claude Hamilton grew up in a small town in northern Ontario, Canada.  At the age of seventeen, he enrolled and served eight years in the Canadian Armed Forces.  After a few years of coping with the demands of an uncertain schedule and constant travel, he became frustrated with his inability to control many aspects of his own life and longed for more freedom to take risks and achieve the life he desired.  He knew the life of an entrepreneur was the only life for him.  Therefore, Claude became a dedicated student of leadership principles and built a highly successful leadership business with thousands of followers.  Then, with his devoted friends, he co-founded the company LIFE.  Along the journey, Claude became a passionate promoter of his principles of success and has helped many business partners duplicate his results.  His determination, character, and courage make him a powerful leader who persistently inspires people to reach for their dreams.  Claude is deeply committed to his family and takes great pleasure in being a father.  He also enjoys adventure, mentoring others, and working hard to be the best example he can be to his business partners, friends and loved ones.

What will you choose to be passionate about?  What will you make your life’s mission, and tenaciously run after?   I hope you chose something worthwhile and never give up.

God Bless,


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Posted by on November 22, 2013 in closing


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TOUGHEN UP: Oath of Allegiance

Part two of Claude Hamilton‘s new book TOUGHEN UP covers three more of Claude’s strengths.  These three principles are essential for long-term success and are only mastered through a long-term commitment to pursuing greatness in them, just as Claude has done.  As you are reading through TOUGHEN UP I encourage you to really study its principle’s and apply them to your life, not just read the book to say you did.  There are so many great lessons that can be learned throughout the entire book that can be used to improve your life in so many areas.

Part two of TOUGHEN UP outlines the second three strengths:

  1. Attitude
  2. Courage
  3. Character
  4. Duty
  5. Honour
  6. Relationships

Here are some of my favourite sections of Part Two: Oath of Allegiance

  • Duty

“Success means doing the right thing no matter what.”

“I am a firm believer that love, not hope of reward or fear of bad consequences, is the real reason people do their duty.  I learned this in the military, and I believe it holds true in other areas of life as well”.

“This is duty to God, family, and country – because when you are your best self, your truly excellent self, you serve God, family, and country at the highest level!  This is real.  Anything less than excellence means you aren’t quite doing your duty”.

  • Honour

“Be the kind of person who always honours those who deserve it.”

“Without honour, nothing else really matters in our lives.  George Bernard Shaw wrote, ‘The most tragic thing in the world is a man of genius who is not a man of honour’.”

“Honour, on the other hand, is all about enthusiasm!  When we have honour, we do the right things because we really, truly feel passionate about them.  We don’t necessarily have to do them to be a good person, like we do with out duties, but we choose to do them because we care.”

“As Lana and I started experiencing real success, we felt overwhelming gratitude for Orrin and Laurie Woodward and the others who showed us the way.  We felt great respect and a profound sense of honour toward them.  We knew we simply could not have accomplished what we did without their help.”

  • Relationships

“Let them see me cry.  It’s okay.  I cry sometimes when I cuddle my son.  I’m soft with him and tough about pursuing my life purpose.”

“Monday morning I put on my search-and-rescue jacket and combat boots, stashed three samples of the vitamins and other products I sold for my business into my pack, and put my pistol in my belt, and I walked to the highway and started hitchhiking.”

“This means spending a lot of time with those you care about most.  Time builds depth, if you approach it with the right attitude.  As I already mentioned, I hated that my military work kept me too busy to spend as much time as I wanted with my family.”

“They say the word sacrifice as if it’s something bad.  But my military background taught me a different way to think about sacrifice.  For me, sacrifice is the production of sacred things.  I sacrificed my twenties for my business, but I got the rest of my life with financial freedom.”

I hope everyone is enjoying reading this book as much as I have and learning more about what it takes to TOUGHEN UP!  Maybe you know someone who needs to TOUGHEN UP a little in some area of their life, or maybe you know someone who would just really enjoy what Claude has to share.  Either way, this book could make an awesome gift for Christmas or any occasion.

Make sure to check back next week for the third and final instalment of my TOUGHEN UP series.

God Bless,



Posted by on November 15, 2013 in closing


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TOUGHEN UP: Rules of Engagement

Over the years in the community building industry, I have seen my business partner and leadership expert, Claude Hamilton, exemplify the statement; It’s not only what you tell me, but what you show me.  Albert Schweitzer says, “Example is not the main thing in influencing others; it’s the only thing.”  Claude’s example as a husband, Father, and business leader have been invaluable in my life.

Claude has many loyal business partners and friends because he loves and serves them unconditionally. I remember the first time I met Claude 10 years ago; by his posture alone I could tell he was someone who was going somewhere.  Everywhere he went, people were looking to get time with him and introduce their newest business partners to him. He seemed to be a magnet that attracted everyone that was hungry to learn leadership and business building principles. If you are ever blessed to spend time with Claude, you will quickly realize that his powerful vision and unstoppable work ethic inspire others to act boldly. Many times I have heard him say, “The spines of the weak are stiffened in the presence of the bold.” Claude Hamilton is BOLD!


You can get a glimpse of Claude’s knowledge and wisdom in his new book TOUGHEN UP!  Through personal experience in both his military and business life, Claude outlines eight strengths that are essential for real toughness in leadership.  Claude reveals these principles, and their importance to toughness, through his real life struggles; from military basic training to financial stresses.  Overcoming his struggles and striving for excellence in each of the eight strengths is what makes Claude the great leader he is today.

Part one of TOUGHEN UP outlines the first three strengths:

  1. Attitude
  2. Courage
  3. Character

The following excerpts from the first three chapters are just a glimpse of the wisdom that is etched into the pages of TOUGHEN UP!

  • Attitude

“Attitude makes all the difference.  The tougher things are, the more opportunity we have to analyze our attitude and choose the right posture.  Those early rejections defined me because they made me take stock of what I really wanted and decide whether to fight for what our family needed or give in and just let life happen to us”.

  • Courage

“…if you do the right thing in small matters, you’re going to be a lot more likely to do the right thing when it’s hard.  We build courage every time we do the right thing, even something seemingly simple as listening to audios and reading important books.  In fact, these things are actually high.  Find a great leader with success in your field, and you’re almost certain to find that he or she listens to audios and reads – a lot”.

  • Character

“…when I say someone is ‘a man of character’ or ‘he has character,’ I mean he has integrity, loyalty, and strength.  I mean he will stand for the right things, even when it is hard.  I mean he is honest and dedicated.  I mean I can trust him to do the right thing”.

“I learned as a military diver that a person’s real character is seen when he faces adversity.  Paul Newman once noted, ‘A man with no enemies is a man with no character’.”

Anyone, in any profession, at any stage of their life will benefit from the knowledge they gain from reading TOUGHEN UP!  The principles are universal and the values are timeless.  I encourage everyone to read this book then pass it on to someone else they care about who they want to see succeed in any area of their life.

God Bless,



Posted by on November 8, 2013 in closing


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Oh The Places You’ll Go – What One are you Going to Choose?

Spring Leadership Convention was a HUGE success, thanks to the leadership of Claude HamiltonOrrin Woodward and the rest of the LIFE founders.

Just one of the many amazing things launched at the convention was THE FREE INCENTIVE TRIPS – these trip incentives are a great way to dream build with people right away. And they are no ordinary trips, they are top-notch, quality, luxury vacations.

Check out some details here thanks to my good friend Alex Nickerson for a great article and some fantastic DREAM BUILDING Pictures and Videos:

Incentive #1: 6,000 for 6 Trip


  1. Trip Tracker – 200 Personal/Customer PV each and every month. For existing LIFE Members, Trip Tracker can start in April or May. For new Members, Trip Tracking begins with the first month in business.  If one month is missed, including even the first month for the new member, then the member is no longer eligible for this trip.
  2. PV – 6,000 Total PV for 6 consecutive months with a minimum of 4,000 PV in Team #1 and an additional 2,000 PV, including personal and customer volume, outside of Team #1.
  3. For example, a new member that was enrolled in May would start trip tracking in the month of May and continue to do 200 PV each month through the six month consecutive PV requirement.
  4. If in the months of January – March 2012 a member has not met the PV requirements, they are eligible to qualify for the 6,000 for 6 trip.

Trip Options

1. Disney World, Orlando, Florida – 4-day/3-night stay at Disney’s Beach Club Deluxe Resort. Disney’s Beach Club Resort is a New England-style Disney Deluxe Resort, shaded by broad oak trees and lapped by the gentle waters of the 25-acre Crescent Lake. This trip includes a round-trip airfare credit, Disney Park Hopper Passes, Disney dining meal plan, transportation to and from the airport, and transportation to all Disney properties and theme parks.

2. Arenal, Costa Rica – 6-day/5-night stay at the Arenal Kiori Suites and Spa hotel.  Perched one thousand feet above the Arenal Valley, the Arenal Kiori allows for incomparable views of the Arenal volcano, the lush valley, and the surrounding towns that sparkle at night. This trip includes an airfare credit, daily breakfast, canopy tour, volcano hike, and safari boat floating.

3. Oasis of the Seas, Bahamas Cruise – 8-day/7-night balcony cabin cruise. Experience the ship that revolutionized cruising; its revolutionary and breath-taking design includes seven distinct neighborhoods tailored to create the ultimate experience of enjoyment for all passengers. This ship is the largest in the world, watch the video for all the details.

Incentive #2: Leader 6 Trip


  1. Trip Tracker – 200 Personal/Customer PV each and every month. For existing LIFE Members, Trip Tracker can start in April or May. For new Members, Trip Tracking begins with the first month in business.
  2. PV – 15,000 PV for 6 consecutive months with a minimum of 9,000 PV in Team #1 and an additional 6,000 PV, including personal and customer volume, outside of Team #1.
  3. If in the months of January – March 2012 a member has not met the PV requirements, they are eligible to qualify for the Leader 6 trip.

Trip Options

1. Disney World, Orlando, Florida – 6-day/5-night stay at Disney’s Grand Floridian Deluxe Hotel. Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa is a Victorian-style Disney Deluxe Resort distinguished as the flagship hotel of the Walt Disney World Resorts and offering world-class dining, entertainment, and luxurious accommodations in its six striking red-gabled buildings. This magnificent hotel sits along the white-sand shores of Seven Seas Lagoon. This trip includes a round-trip airfare credit, Disney Park Hopper Passes, Disney dining meal plan, transportation to and from the airport, and transportation to all Disney properties and theme parks.

2. Maui, Hawaii – 5-day/4-night stay at the Wailea Beach Marriott Resort and Spa, which is located between two beautiful beaches with pristine white sands and endless blue water. This trip includes a round-trip airfare credit, transportation from the airport to the hotel, Lei greeting, and a helicopter tour ride.

3. Ocho Rios, Jamaica – 5-day/4-night stay at the Beaches Boscobel, which takes advantage of its stunning seaside locale to infuse all of its accommodations with the flavor of Jamaica. This trip includes a round-trip airfare credit and access to Pirates Island Water Park. Parent magazine voted Beaches Boscobel among the Top 10 Best Beach Resorts.

4. Celebrity Cruise – 10-day/9-night trip package, including a 7-night cruise from Seattle on the Seattle Celebrity Solstice, 3 nights at a 4-star hotel, and a Mount Rainer sightseeing trip.

5. Princess Cruise – 10-day/9-night Alaskan cruise on the Coral Princess. This trip includes a 7-day voyage of the glaciers cruise, 1 night at Mount McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge, 1 night at the Denali Princess Wilderness Lodge, a natural history tour, and a 1-night Fairbanks with Sternwheeler Riverboat Cruise. This cruise is perfect for witnessing all that Alaska has to offer. Check out the video for all the details.

This is so much FUN, Definitely shows off the Have Fun part of our Have Fun, Make Money and Make a Difference motto. LIFE gives you information to challenge yourself in many areas of leadership and help you Live The Life You’ve Always Wanted.

On top of all of this there are One Time Cash Awards, which the first one will arrive at the same time as the Leader 6 FREE Trip…how does a $3000 BONUS sound on top of a FREE TRIP? It’s available!!!

We are so excited for everyone that is going to run and earn these trips and rewards, which they can go and spend time with their families, when they choose, with who they choose, and with no financial stresses. Absolutely Incredible.

I would love to hear what trip your running for and where you see you and your family spending time together.

See “YOU” on the beaches and waters of the world,

God bless,



Posted by on May 3, 2012 in closing


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Servant Leadership at its Best

In life there are so many people who we come in contact with and they play some role in influencing us in a positive or negative way. This past weekend we have seen why so many people follow and trust Orrin and Laurie Woodward. This couple defines servant leadership. From the time we all entered the Woodward’s 9-Acre property on the beautiful coast of St. Lucie Bay Florida, to the time we all left was nothing short of spectacular. As a group of hungry Canadians, we were inspired to come home and serve even more than we have in the past. To watch the Woodward’s serve the whole day, teaching, inspiring, loving on their teams.

Their property, cars, and yacht were all breath taking and stunning, but the most impactful event from the weekend were the people sharing their dreams and goals amongst each other at the “Gazeebinar.” Having Orrin sharing his thoughts and vision for LIFE and hearing Claude talk about the difference we can all make. Watching and hearing grown men share their inner dreams, goals, and struggles strengthen a team. Orrin said when you try to break one pencil with your hands, no problem, but when your start griping a lot of pencils together eventually they become unbreakable even with all your strength. Building communities of people who share a common vision and purpose is much like the pencil example, strength is in numbers.

Raylene said the best part of the day was Laurie and Lana sharing with all the women at the patio table. It was an amazing couple of hours of loving, information, and valuable nuggets to help any woman move forward in all areas of life. Their amazing ways to serve, answer questions, and share stories was incredible. Lana lead the conversation asking important questions that we all needed to hear the answer to, to help with our thinking and our feelings.

To think and know that this amazing couple started out in the community building industry just like we did is so inspiring. Their exceptional rise to the top of the community building industry is by no accident. They are hungry to learn and grow personally even after all their personal success.

I read an article on Phil Jackson and a reporter asked him, “How do you keep your players so motivated to win?” Jackson response was, “When you have the greatest basketball player in the world, out work daily every other player on the team, it’s easy to motivate them, they have the best possible teacher. It’s easy for me.” This example is how I view Orrin and Laurie Woodward, when you have the greatest community builder in the industry out work, out think, out read, out serve, almost all if not all on their team, it’s easy to see why so many are inspired around the Woodward’s to do more personally.

We also would like to personally thank Claude and Lana Hamilton for being such amazing leaders, always out front and believing in us all. Being a great example to follow in this industry, and making this weekend possible for so many.  Check out this video of Claude in action and how amazing he really is: Claude Hamilton – What Voice are you Listening to?

Thank you to the Woodward’s for graciously opening their home and hearts to us all. This experience will be remembered and treasured forever.

Click on the picture of the car to view a short video of Scott Staley, Raylene, Orrin and I in Orrin’s beast of a car, a convertible challenger.

Here are some awesome pictures of our weekend at the Woodward’s.

Enjoy and God bless,



Posted by on April 4, 2012 in closing


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Are you leading yourself in all 8 areas of LIFE? What about Fitness?

With so many of us striving to become better in LIFE, many times you hear “I don’t have enough time to work out and get into shape”. Many years ago I started a quest to see what my body could do under high physical demands of competitive bodybuilding and strength training.

Me waiting to go onstage for my first Bodybuilding Competition

I do not want anyone to think I have all the answers to Fitness, although I do remember what it felt like to shed pounds, gain lean muscle and hit a level of fitness that I first thought was unattainable. My challenge and question to myself and to all of you is…

Who will start their lifestyle change to become a more physically fit person in 2012?

As I discuss some of the key things I have done in the past (and are currently doing again), I want you to know I have attained a lot of this information from magazines, books, DVDs and online from sources that are the best in the field and with the results I wanted.

Let’s begin by stating only 25% of adults in North America participate in vigorous exercise 3 or more times a week. Almost 75% of adults are overweight or obese!!!!  Obese people have a 10-15% increase in premature deaths from all major health issues. The majority of deaths are attributed to some sort of cardiovascular disease. Many health professionals today attribute cancer, diabetes and mental health issues, such as depression, to deficiencies in fitness and well being.

The only true way to achieve a healthy and fit lifestyle is to make necessary changes to our everyday life, in these 3 key areas:

There are 7 key components within these three areas to focus on in order to achieve overall good health, fitness, and well being:

1/ Cardiovascular/Aerobic Conditioning

2/ Strength Training and Muscular Development

3/ Core Stability

4/ Stretching

5/ Nutrition and Supplementation

6/ Mental Rest and Relaxation

7/ Sleep

It’s very easy to write these seven components down on paper, however it is not always easy for me to stay focused on the reason why I’m doing it. There are many daily distractions that can keep me from following these components. My biggest reasons for wanting to improve my overall health are for my wife, family and friends and wanting to be able to fully enjoy every moment with them.

Muhammad Ali hated every minute of training but said to himself “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.”

Remember, when things seem difficult or even impossible, that is the time to cement your commitment, because there is NO substitute for perseverance.

The human body is designed to be vital, robust, active and brimming with physicality. That urge to run, fly, swim and simply do, is part of the joy of being human. Health is not ours if we don’t respect it. Robert Kennedy said “ask yourself this, would you sell any part of your body (leg) or (arm) for money? Of course not!! The greatest possession we have is our bodies, so let’s take care of it.”

In order to build that lean body we have always wanted you will have to dedicate yourself to training and eating proper nutrition. Motivation is that significant element we must have in order to push through everyday good or bad.

Motivation check list:

1/ Set your goal – Immediate short term and long term. Create a dream board to help you visualize yourself.

2/ Record your work – Photos show changes. Writing is Validating.

3/ Celebrate the small stuff – Small results equals small reward.

4/ Celebrate the big stuff – Goals met equals big reward.

The process of being overweight and unhealthy took sometime. In many cases like mine years and years of poor eating habits and lack of exercise helped me get this way. Be patient and let little changes add up to big changes.  Eating smaller portions, multiple times a day is key to weight loss. Two thirds of our body is water, drink a lot of water daily. Active people should try to drink 2 to 3 liters a day.

We all have 24 hrs in a day, 8760 hrs a year. Winners and losers both live their lives day in and day out, the difference between success and failure and between having the quality of life you want and settling for less than you deserve, lies in the choices you make in your daily habits.

Together we can strive for better overall health and well being.

Hope this helps on our journey together!!

Wayne MacNamara


Posted by on January 2, 2012 in closing


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Entitlement vs Performance in LIFE

In TEAM and LIFE, Orrin Woodward along with the founders of LIFE, have created a culture that rewards performance. So many people have become unwilling to strive for excellence. Today, it’s almost as important for people to get rewarded just for participating versus learning the truth that in life the performers get rewarded.

Some examples of Entitlement Thinking are:

1) I have witnessed kids playing sports and their parents not keeping score of the game. They want to reward every kid equally for just being on the team instead of rewarding the performers on the field. Where will these parents be when their children are in a real life scenario like a job interview and their child doesn’t get picked for the job, nor a reward for showing up. Teach the kids to strive for excellence now and they will later. Teach them the difference between succeeding and failing, let them feel that feeling of failure so they strive not to feel it again. I heard once, our job as adults if to raise responsible adults, not just happy children.

2) My wife Raylene, in her college classes witnessed young men and women asking their teachers how many points they would earn for just handing in their assignment. The scary thing is some professors would give marks for it. What message is that sending. Can you imagine saying to your boss “Hey can you pay me today just for showing up, regardless of my performance?”

Entitlement vs. Performing Behavior

  • Entitlement behavior says; I’m here, I’m alive, we are all equal, reward me the same as the performer. They believe luck plays the most important part of being a winner.
  • Performance behavior says; Can this be done? Is there someone who has done it that can help me? I will learn the skills needed to perform. I will practice over and over so NEVER lower the bar for me, if anything, raise the bar.

What I have learned in the LIFE community building industry is whenever I would reward a non-performer along with the performer, I usually lost both. When I rewarded the non-performer (cause of my feelings/emotions) they never would start Orrin Woodward’s P.D.C.A. (plan, do, check, adjust) process. They had no reason to strive to get better because I would reward their efforts no matter what. Now, because the performer saw me reward the non-performer he started to realize, why should I strive to become better if we both receive the same treatment. This behavior undermines the performer’s belief in themselves. I’m truly thankful today that my mentor/coach Claude Hamilton never done the work for me and never lowered the bar.

Claude has shown me through his example that a performer doesn’t need easy they just need possible!

God Bless,

Wayne Mac Namara


Posted by on November 15, 2011 in closing


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