Category Archives: Leadership

Everyone has a Story, Sell it !

Being raised on the east coast was a blessing and I loved my childhood but to say i was an entrepreneur would be a far far stretch. Most of the people I have seen that owed businesses were all self employed and didn’t have the lifestyle I was interested in. Today if you are not learning how to sell and sell hard you will be squeezed out of business and eventually most jobs!

Selling is not hard its just a skill that has some crazy dumb negative stigma. The most important skill I can teach my son Beau is to sell!!  14 years ago I started in a network marketing company and fell in love with the leveraging aspect of mentoring, products, systems, marketing, time, money etc.

Today I have learned the 10 most important traits of successful networkers are;

1/ Self confidence

2/ They READ daily

3/ Jacked up!!   Excitement overload

4/ Activity-tiredless work ethic

5/ Teachable

6/ Honest

7/ Humble

8/ Positive Attitude

9/ Serve

10/ Story Tellers

I will over the next day or so go into each trait on a video and add to this blog.

looking forward to it.






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LIFE Explosion in Ontario Canada

Some people ask if this will work? Saturday March 10, 2012 at the LIFE/TEAM seminar there were:
  • many new Team 10’s and Team 25’s and Turbo 10’s
  • 17 New Turbo 25’s
  • 2 New Turbo 50’s
  • 3 New Turbo 100’s
  • 1 New Round Table Member

… I think its working extremely well. Doubled our numbers!!!

Congratulations to all the winners of Operation Advance, Raylene and I are very proud of each and every one of you. Your passion, commitment, and perseverance was outstanding. To all those that ran hard and came up short – Congratulations on your valiant effort, know that your that much closer to your next goal. Although not everyone will cross stage and be recognized, know that your efforts did not go unnoticed and everyone that was there played a huge part in the success of this seminar.

Setting goals and striving for them wasn’t the difficult part for us, it was the frustration of coming up short each time we set the goal. Our mentors, Claude and Lana Hamilton have helped us PDCA (plan, do check, and adjust) and course correct our actions and attitudes toward the process. What I have learned about goal setting is that at least with a goal out in front of me, even if I happen to fall short, I have learned lessons along the way and I am that much further ahead then if I hadn’t set the goal or ran for it at all. We’ve all heard “If you don’t have a goal, you will hit it with amazing accuracy.”  In our experience with building communities, we have only ever hit 7 of our goals the first time we set them, but every experience has been life changing whether we hit them or not, and has taught us many lessons in moving forward, with resetting, re-framing and running even harder the next time.

As Winston Churchill said, “Never give in, never, never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense”

“Sacrifice is nothing more than the production of sacred things.” Claude Hamilton

Congratulations to all the teams that were involved with making Aylmer Ontario a great success!!!

God bless,



Posted by on March 27, 2012 in Leadership


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Claude and Lana Hamilton – LIFE Founders

Here is an article in a series from Orrin Woodward’s leadership blog about the founders of LIFE.

This spotlight of LIFE Founders is on Claude and Lana Hamilton. We have known Claude and Lana personally for 9 years now, and they have been such an inspiration in our lives. They have shown us not only through mentorship and guidance on how to achieve our goals and dreams, but also through being an example day in and day out for us to follow. They have become some of our best friends throughout our journey. We truly appricate them, and we are not surprised by all of their succesess, because they have such servant hearts.


God Bless, Wayne

Featured Life Founders are Claude and Lana Hamilton. The Hamilton’s home is one of the largest in their Canadian province, which isn’t shocking to me since they have one of the largest dreams in the province also. Neither Claude nor Lana come from wealth, so how did this young couple achieve so much with so little? Simply put, they joined a leadership community, learned principles that allowed them to rise to their potential, and acted upon it.

Both of them started in the Canadian military. Lana in the Navy and Claude in the Great White North’s equivalent to the Navy Seal program. With little money, no connections, and no plans, the Hamilton’s joined networking where they promptly struggled for years. In fact, the miracle of their first five years in business is that they didn’t quit. With little outward success to show for years of relentless effort, only huge dreamers like the Hamilton’s would have continued to hold out hope. This hope, however, was the key to their future success and was not held onto in vane.

After missing numerous leadership conventions, since they were convened on the other side of Canada and the Hamilton’s had no money, Claude did the unthinkable. With Lana serving at sea, Claude, hungry to learn the proper leadership mindset, hitchhiked across Canada, attending his first-ever conference. This may sound crazy to some, but the Hamilton’s lifestyle today is also crazy. Great achievements come with great sacrifice, period! Indeed, the higher the mountain, the harder the climb. Claude and Lana vowed to climb to the top.

I met Claude when his organization joined forces with TEAM in 2006. He had already accomplished great successes in community building before I met him. In fact, his huge dreams, drive, and determination were evident to me immediately. Later, I would also witness first-hand his character, courage, and convictions. As Claude is a voracious student, we quickly teamed up and his business began to surge ahead even further.

In late 2007, when legal disputes arose with our former supplier, Claude and Lana displayed their true valor. With many choosing to hide out, fearful of drawing attention to themselves and falling into litigation, the Hamilton’s charged to the front, leading their teams to fast growth. Even when the TEAM income and numbers dropped precipitously in 2008, the Hamilton’s never wavered on their core belief in the community’s right to freedom.

In early 2009, the Hamilton’s defining moment arrived. The Hamilton’s were offered peace and an end to all litigation. However, they quickly refused the offer. Why do you ask? Because as part of the settlement offer, Claude and Lana would have to separate permanently from TEAM, choosing peace over their principles. This Faustian bargain was not even considered by the principle-centered couple. They knew that the best opportunity for their team to win involved staying with TEAM, even if it meant increased personal hardships and severed friendships. In other words, they kept themselves in harms way in order to ensure the best opportunity for their community. This type of sacrificial leadership is extremely rare today, making Claude and Lana Hamilton modern-day heroes and admired by all who know their story.

Thankfully, in late 2010, all legal disputes were settled and the TEAM finally was free to pursue its destiny. The Hamilton’s are Founders of LIFE because they are leaders of character who have proven their mettle on the front lines, not hiding out in the foxholes. Anyone can talk about character, but living it when it counts is what matters. Claude and Lana live their principles daily.

On another note, on top of leading one of the fastest growing teams with the TEAM, Claude also volunteered to be the PC leader over the TEAM events department. In this role, he has greatly improved the quality and profitability of the opens, seminars, and major functions. I cannot imagine the TEAM’s turnaround without the endless hours sacrificially invested by Claude for the benefit of us all.

Laurie and I want to personally thank our good friends and LIFE Founders Claude and Lana Hamilton. It’s because you are who you are that makes LIFE what it is and what it’s going to be. Sincerely, Orrin Woodward


Posted by on January 16, 2012 in Leadership


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Attitude is the Difference

Have you ever wondered why some people just always seem upbeat and vibrant about life?

Have you ever said to yourself that this person just does not have my situations?

Have you thought that maybe they were born with the ability to always stay positive?

I did, for many years I thought something must be was wrong with people who always seemed happy and joyful about their situations, they must be pretending. In my younger years, I always looked at things in life as fun and on the bright side, but as I got older and the responsibilities started piling up, I could not find that something that I was passionate about and that could keep that positive outlook on life. I believed it was circumstances that made me have a positive or negative outlook; I was always looking for an outside event or person to make me happy.

I want to share with you that you can have a positive attitude. It is simply a choice. It may not always be easy, but the greatest minds in the world agree that it is not what happens to you that matters, but how you respond to what happens to you.

Today I have used sources from Top Leadership GuruOrrin Woodward, especially his new book Resolved, as well as other books, online sources, and mentorship from co-founder of LIFE, Claude Hamilton.

Orrin Woodward states in his book Resolved, I Resolve to have a positive attitude in an all situations. Failure in life is not from outside events, but the inside story a person tells himself.

Winners and non-winners receive the same stimulus, but choose to interpret and respond to the events differently.

As an old Native American Cherokee legend states:

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside of me.” he said to the boy “it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil – he is angry, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.” He continued “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside of you and inside every other person too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and them asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” the old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Just like those two wolves, we have a negative voice and a positive voice in our heads, many times the negative one screams at you while the positive one is a faint whisper. The difference between a positive and a negative person is not determined by his circumstances, but by which voice he chooses to listen to.

William James said, “Man can change his life simply by changing his attitude.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.”

Norman Vincent Peales states, “Attitudes are more important than facts.”

In the 1970’s, The Andrew Carnegie foundation funded the largest research study ever done to determine what makes a successful individual. They surveyed more than 300,000 people in four different employment sectors. Their findings speak for themselves. It was found that:

1. 7% of your success is determined by the knowledge you have

2. 12% of our success is determined by the skill you possess

3. 81% was determined by your ATTITUDE

John Wooden taught these principles relating to attitude: never whine, never complain, or never make excuses.

Achievement orientated people will not associate for long with a negative voice, either their own or others.

Winners have an attitude that they will until, not accepting excuses from themselves.

The voice that a person chooses to listen to determines the fruit that he produces in life.

I encourage you to choose wisely.

Will you decide to consciously feed your positive voice while deliberately starving your negative one.

Zig Ziglar says: “Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude.”

God Bless,

Wayne MacNamara


Posted by on January 10, 2012 in Leadership


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